Pale Ale Roundup! Here's some of our favourites - find yours!

This list is our Pale Ale roundup with some of our current favourites that we stock and have enjoyed recently (obviously for research purposes!) Now we love a Pale Ale here at Stable Ales, and it seems our customers do too.

First off it's probably helpful understand the difference between Pale Ale and IPA as there always seems to be a lot of confusion! 

Generally speaking, the main differences between pale ale and IPA is that IPAs will have bigger hop flavours and slightly higher ABV (alcohol by volume).

Pale ales will usually be between 4.5 – 6.2% ABV, where IPAs will usually sit somewhere between 5 – 7.5% (or more for a double IPA, 7.5 – 10.0%). IPAs may also be slightly more bitter and overall pale ales tend to be slightly more balanced. 

Pale ale is an aromatic, hoppy brew made with top-fermenting ale yeast. The pale malts that are used create its distinctively light colour. It’s also super easy to drink, making it the perfect pairing for a night in with your mates!

Pale ale is a versatile beverage that’s loved across the globe. Pretty much everyone has put their stamp on it! With such a broad range available nowadays, our list includes some of the long standing legends, along with some new wave style pales that push the boundaries.

There are several beer styles to try, including cracking Pale Ales as well as bold English pale ales that sing through their traditional brewing roots. Amongst these different varieties, you’ll find a huge range of flavours, strengths, malts and hops. 



1. Verdant - Lightbulb

As pale as a 100W light bulb but as juicy as an IPA. Session-able, quenching and totally addictive. Biscuity malt base with a hint of sweetness all drenched in fruity and dank hops. 




verdant lightbulb can
2. The Kernel - Pale Ale

Brewing some of the capital's most sought after beers, The Kernel from Bermondsey have created an enviable reputation among the new wave of craft brewers. The Pale Ales are brewed with a constantly changing array of hops generally around the 5.5% ABV mark.


the kernel brewery pale ale bottle


3. Birra Baladin - Rock n Roll

From the Italian Craft Beer giants Baladin, Rock n Roll is their take on an American Pale with a Italian twist

A beer with a white head and a persistent finish, Rock’n’Roll has a deep color and a slight, homogeneous hazy appearance. The first peppery scents leave room to light spices and notes of cereals, with a balanced harmony between freshness and warmth.

Like in a modern musical, when sipped, the cereals sing their sweet notes while the ensemble of pepper, spices and hops supports them with a powerful counterpoint.

birra baladin rock n roll bottle
4. Burning Sky - Arise

Straw gold in colour, a balanced malt bill gives a great mouth feel and a finish that keeps on giving. Restrained bitterness followed by massive peach, pine & resinous hop flavours to keep you satisfied. A session IPA that’s perfect for the end of the day (or the start).

burning sky arise can

5. Blue Monkey - Marmoset

Probably the most flavoursome 3.6% beer you'll ever taste. This pale, crisp and refreshing beer is crammed full of Citra hops to give beautiful tropical fruit flavours. Brewed and bottled in the UK


blue monkey marmoset bottle
6. Whiplash - Prisoner Of Love

Single hopped with Cascade. Nose is floral, bright, lemon, rosewater, cedar and orange zest. Body is round, lightly sweet and oozes orange juice, pine, light notes of grapefruit and a bag full of floral to beat the band. Hazy & juicy.

whiplash prisoner of love can

7. Arbor - My Little Sabrony

American Pale Ale brewed using a huge dose of Sabro hops. Bold floral & tropical fruit flavours and aromas.

This one packs a huge punch for a single hopped pale!


arbor my little sabrony can
8. DEYA - Magazine Cover

Since 2015, DEYA has been developing innovative and delicious beers from their base in Cheltenham.

Magazine Cover is a crispy yet soft session Pale Ale with Mosaic, Simcoe and Idaho 7 hops!

Deya Magazine Cover Can
9. Wiper & True - Kaleidoscope

Wiper & True is an inventive brewery based in Bristol who are never afraid to experiment. As a result the brewery is one of our favourites, turning out flavoursome beers packed with taste.

Kaleidoscope is a series of pale ales that, like many of their beers, changes the hops with the seasons.

This is a juicy whopper, with big summer fruits, but refreshingly light. Yet it retains an rustic edge reminding you that beer is an agricultural product. It’s full of exotic fruit aromas such as lychee and mandarin. It’s a dreamy watercolour of a beer.

Wiper & True Kaleidoscope Can
10. Black Isle - Rolling Palace VI

Ok we're cheating a bit with this one, but the rolling palace series is so good we couldn't resist! 

Number 6: Centennial. Back to basics. Back to the classics. A proper hop, in a proper beer, to be drunk properly. A beer flavoured beer with bitterness and aroma in perfect unity. It’s America in a can. Without the guns.

Black Isle Rolling Palace IPA Can


After reading all the information in this fantastic article you’d be daft not to have a little nosey at our pale ale range! 

Browse the range here -
and why not pick up a cheeky little offer whilst you’re there – buy 6 and get an extra free by using code pale4free at checkout!


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