
Braybrooke started in 2017, born out of the common love for delicious lagers shared by three friends - Luke, Nick and Cam who have decades of combined experience within the food and drink industry. 

Braybrooke Beer Co is specialist lager brewery situated on Braybrooke Farm, just outside of Market Harborough in the heart of the peaceful British Countryside on the edge of the village of Braybrooke. 

Their common love for delicious lagers came from their travels in Germany which is undoubtably one of the best larger brewing countries in the world. Whilst in Germany they formed a friendship with Stephan Michel, owner of the historic brewery Mahrs Brau in Bamberg. Stephan put them in touch with the best malt, hop and yeast suppliers ensuring a combination which owes to creating a great lager. 

Braybrooke Head Brewer Mario Canestrelli came on board adding to Braybrooke a long experience from some of the best breweries in the UK. 

Braybrooke began with just one aim - to make really good lager and this is what they have become know for to this day - the art of lager making in the heart of the British Countryside. 


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