Cigar City

Steeped in the unique culture and history of Tampa, Florida, Cigar City Brewing began handcrafting award-winning beer in 2009. Cigar City Brewing’s ales and lagers bring to mind the sun and citrus for which Florida is known, while taking cues from the cigar industry upon which Tampa was built. Behind all of Cigar City Brewing’s liquid is the philosophy that quality is achieved by giving first rate ingredients to first rate people in a space where they are free to pursue their passion.

'At Cigar City Brewing we make beer we like to drink and toast those who choose to drink with us. Behind all our beer is the philosophy that quality is achieved by giving first rate ingredients to first rate people in a space where they are free to pursue their passion. We acknowledge that what we do isn’t for everyone, but we welcome all.'

Cigar City Brewing is proud to use no animal-derived ingredients in the clarification of its beer. No gelatin, isinglass, casein or albumen is used to clarify Cigar City Brewing beer.

Offering some of the best American beers available, you'll be sure to find your new favourite from the USA! 

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