Lost & Grounded

Lost and Grounded Brewers is a brewery in Bristol, UK, established in July 2016. We are team who are fascinated by the precision of German brewing and the idiosyncratic nature of Belgian beers, and we chose the brewhouse of our dreams that could help us make these wonders of fermentation.

It’s no secret we love lager: we set up our brewery to make our flagship Keller Pils and brew lager every week of the year! Lager is a style of beer that is incredibly difficult to master, but we love the challenges that brewing this type of beer brings. We source our malts from Germany and Belgium as these suit the profile of our our beers down to a tee, and provide classic notes to our modern renditions.

We operate a state-of-the-art brewhouse from Krones, complete with a traditional lactic acid propagation plant (classic German method of adjusting acidity) to produce beers with balance, nuance and depth of character. In this plant we naturally produce “sour” wort with a special strain of lactic acid bacteria, originally isolated from the husk of malt; this sour wort is in turn used to adjust the pH across the brewing process. This is a totally natural way to brew and is the way for German brewers to deal with alkaline water such as the water we have in Bristol.

All of our beers are unfiltered and vegan friendly.

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