
The name Nøgne Ø means "naked island", a poetic term used by Henrik Ibsen to describe any of the countless stark, barren outcroppings that are visible in the rough sea off Norway's southern coast.

Nøgne Ø's subtitle - "The Uncompromising Brewery" is a plain statement of our mission to craft ales of the highest quality, personality and individuality. The alchemists realized that they could only create gold from gold – so have we. Our gold is Maris Otter. We think Maris Otter is the best malt obtainable, hand malted barley in the traditional manner in the UK. We only use ingredients of highest quality in order to make beers of uncompromising quality. Still rated amongst the 100 best breweries in the world (, 2020).

Nøgne Ø has grown from a 300 hl production in 2003 to well over 1000 hl. We have more than 20 different styles of ales in our core range and unequivalent amount of new releases every year. 


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