Tynt Meadow - English Trappist Ale

Tynt Meadow

Regular price £3.95

Tynt Meadow is mahogany-coloured, with a subtle, warm red hue, and a lasting beige head. Its aroma carries hints of dark chocolate, liquorice, and rich fruit flavours. The beer is full-bodied, gently balancing the taste of dark chocolate, pepper, and fig. It leaves a warm and dry finish on the palate.

Trappist beers tend to be named after the place in which the monastery is situated. We’ve called ours ‘Tynt Meadow’, to honour the link with the plot of land on which monastic life was refounded here in the Midlands almost two centuries ago. Being part of the great Trappist tradition, we’ve chosen to produce a strong dark ale, but one with a clearly English character.

Tynt Meadow is brewed with English barley and hops, using an English strain of yeast. It is twice-fermented, with the first fermentation taking place in the tank, and the second in the bottle. It should be stored in a cool, dark, quiet place.

An amazing taste of history, the monks revived the centuries' old history of brewing when they closed the dairy farm in 2013. 

Living by the rule of St Benedict the monks aspire to make their work creative, joyful and to the highest standard. 

Even the label is a work of art, we think it shines through in this delicious, warming ale. 

Tynt Meadow is 7.4% strong dark ale with deep aromas and flavours of dark chocolate, liquorice and fruit. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Great service and Great beer ...

I was curious about an English Trappist Ale so i took the plunge and ordered half a dozen from the fine folks at Stable Ales . A rather interesting beer which ticked several boxes ....dark and interesting , lovely mouthfeel , caramel , slight coffee and a hint of liquorice on the finish . These brothers know a thing or two about brewing a fine ale ...i will definitely order again from Stable Ales as the delivery was fast and the choice will do my wallet no good at all !

Outstanding Ale

Was interested to try out this ale after seeing the documentary. Might not be as good as it’s made out I thought. No way! It is an outstanding ale. Dark and nutty and powerful too- you don’t need two of these.

Richard Sands
Definitely worth a try.

It's not that often you get to try a genuinely unique beer - this is one of those - an English Trappist Ale. Easy drinking, a full soft mouth feel, nice balance of spice, malt and alcohol; I'll be getting more. Maybe just not quite up there with the best Belgian Trappist ales hence the 4 stars; but let's face it, it's up against very stiff and established competition here.

Andy Millard
Great beer

Tynt Meadow.
English Trappist ale.
Very nice.

H W Lord

Great drink,

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Great service and Great beer ...

I was curious about an English Trappist Ale so i took the plunge and ordered half a dozen from the fine folks at Stable Ales . A rather interesting beer which ticked several boxes ....dark and interesting , lovely mouthfeel , caramel , slight coffee and a hint of liquorice on the finish . These brothers know a thing or two about brewing a fine ale ...i will definitely order again from Stable Ales as the delivery was fast and the choice will do my wallet no good at all !

Outstanding Ale

Was interested to try out this ale after seeing the documentary. Might not be as good as it’s made out I thought. No way! It is an outstanding ale. Dark and nutty and powerful too- you don’t need two of these.

Richard Sands
Definitely worth a try.

It's not that often you get to try a genuinely unique beer - this is one of those - an English Trappist Ale. Easy drinking, a full soft mouth feel, nice balance of spice, malt and alcohol; I'll be getting more. Maybe just not quite up there with the best Belgian Trappist ales hence the 4 stars; but let's face it, it's up against very stiff and established competition here.

Andy Millard
Great beer

Tynt Meadow.
English Trappist ale.
Very nice.

H W Lord

Great drink,

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